Thursday, October 6, 2011

The King of Aegyo

Personal Kim Jaejoong

Choi Kanghee said that she met Ji Sung and Kim Jaejoong even two days ago. She burst into laughter: “Ji Sung was unchanged from Cha Jihun. But Jaejoong had changed to become cool, into JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong. [Yes,] Choi Kanghee had drinks with Cha Jihun and Kim Jaejoong.”
Choi Kanghee is relatively clumsy at expressing (her affection) and is on the side of being quiet. She recalled: “I loved Jaejoong’s voice so much that I started thinking of a figure of speech to describe it, like ‘your voice is like X,’ but my mouth would not open.”

Jaejoong Truly Untainted by Evil

Choi Kanghee gave the highest of praises: “Jaejoong really has a lot of aegyo and is someone who is truly innocent. Jaejoong feels like a person who has never encountered evil. The feeling isn’t that Jaejoong had dodged them but rather that he has not been damaged by them. He is innocent and has much aegyo.”

The King of Aegyo

“As for aegyo (T/N: laying on of cute charms), Kim Jaejoong is tops. He leans as if he is clothes hanging from the line to dry, and he is also good at social network services, he is affectionate with them.”
“Ji Sung is of a certain age so he cannot do the aegyo but there is aegyo that sips out. He does things like “making your knee fall” from behind and runs away. I think on our set, the men were cuter. Of course, more than Ji Sung, Jaejoong is the king of aegyo. Jihye also does not have aegyo. She watches mixed martial arts and has even been addicted to video games once.”
“A few days ago, while drinking, I had a small fall and scraped my hands. Ji Sung sent a considerate text: “How is your hand?” But Jaejoong sent me a text that read: ‘From nuna’s hands blood kept comingㅠ’. Protect the Boss Team had an extremely high degree of closeness between the actors. When you do the acting for a long time you often get the feeling that you are working facing a wall. But in the drama, the four leads I feel went into each others’ hearts very well.”

Born with the Blood of an Actor

Choi Kanghee said in an interview with Star News that took place in a café in Shinsadong, Seoul, on the afternoon of the 5th: “I think Kim Jaejoong is born with acting.” She relayed: “Wasn’t he good.
When I received the script at first, I thought that the role of Muwon was the most difficult. I thought that for a newcomer the pressure would not be a joke. I think if I had been the one to play it I would have had difficulties, but somehow Jaejoong pulled it off well. I was shocked.”
Choi Kanghee did not spare her praises: “On the set, Jaejoong seems to be quite bad, but he does not even tense up so much and does it with a lot of composure. Actors who have more than 10 years of acting on them are good at acting that should be used in editing (T/N: survive the editing to make onto the drama), but I thought it was very interesting that Jaejoong would act out those scenes that should be [used in the drama] even when there were no plans yet [as to what kind of scenes those should be].
I though tto myself—“He has something that is born, something that comprehends emotion—he is good at that.”
“In truth, there were not too many occasions in which I felt that Jaejoong did well on set. Because the set is an unfamiliar place for him, he sometimes would forget the due line of his body or the lines. But when the tape is passed onto the editing room, light shines forth. All of [Jaejoong’s cuts] are [scene] to be used.
One says that those who will do well will do well. Like that, just as in music I think there is such a thing as being “born with it in your blood” when it comes to artistic expression.
There are always some kids who get good marks despite always slacking off in school, aren’t there? Jaejoong was like that. Even if one does not each him, there are things that are intrinsic within him.”
Continuing, she added: “I have never been worried about Jaejoong.
I asked the director that after doing the reading Jaejoong would do well if left alone. I thought that I’d make it more difficult if we tell him what to do with the end of the sentences and the walking and such. Everyone had worries but when we left him alone he did tremendously well.”
As for Kim Jaejoong with whom she acted, she poured out: “I acted with the mind of a fan.” In particular, she recalled much of her rookie days while watching Kim Jaejoong.
Acting with an Idol
“When I think about it, I don’t think I am in a position to feel slighted. When one acts with an actor who is of an idol origin, one must endure the jealousy of their fans in whole. But to me, they said, on the contrary: “Please look once more with warmth at our oppa.””
More Muwon-God Please~
The unfolding of the Protect the Boss was different from the other dramas. A conflict was resolved within one episode, or if long, within two. There weren’t any to be properly called “conflict” either. Muwon who had been only looking at Eunsul folded his heart in one day.
Choi Kanghee relayed her disappointment at not having received the love of the two men for a long time: “[The scriptwriter] really cleaned out -the emotions of] Muwon. I was a bit disappointed at not being able to call Muwon-God Muwon God. Then, [the scriptwriter] immediately put Muwon with Jihye. Muwon-God also was very surprised… we had been filled with anticipation because on the 10th episode there was to be an ardent story.”

Jaejoong Does Not Look Human

She did not spare the highest of praises for Kim Jaejoong either. She asked the reporter back: “Kim Jaejoong does not seem human. Have you ever seen a kid with such huge eyes?” She explained Kim Jaejoong’s physical appearance: “He is good-looking to an unrealistic degree so in real life too I really stared at him very much. He looks like a figurine.”

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