Thursday, September 22, 2011


Ah…Yes, after the announcement by Akadong, its pawn DNBN officially changed their stance as expected. However, their move is so shameless and daring, it gave me the urge to further explain the situation to the people who are baffled by all this.
It’s so annoying and upsetting, I want to tell the whole story to those who are curious, how DNBN came to this.
Do you know why I am so disgusted at DNBN? Do you know why its called “SamNeBangNe” ? (note: Sam means Three in Korean, and DNBN is called “SamNeBangNe” by some fans because of they always supported only the 3) I will explain what happened at DNBN.
After the lawsuit… DNBN, considered to be courteous including myself, was run over with rumors. Rules became useless, and all kinds of rumors floated around prompting one of the ex-admin to post an announcement.
But at that time, even I couldn’t trust the announcement. I thought, who did she think she was? Why did she make such an announcement? On top of that, she met their parents? Bullcrap!
And most of the members opposed her just like I did. The atmosphere was turning towards the admin abusing her power.
Even I... went along with it. I thought this crisis would be resolved soon, and I thought what she said was absurd and believed she was making things weird.
Actually, I should’ve suspected something at that time because it was rare at DNBN to tell the admins this and that, but I just felt that the members were upset because of the timing and (the sensitivity of) the issue… but, something was strange.
Most of the people instigating the members in the attic (members only forum) or posting replies on her announcement looked to be new members. They suddenly came out and started to drive members’ opinions.
I overlooked it thinking I was just being sensitive, but I realized much later that they were manipulating opinions.
Where did they come from? Who were they?
Around that time, a screencap from Akadong happened to be posted. I have doubts now if it was just a happening…
It was a screencap of someone asking Akadong to control DNBN. And the replies to that post were already agreeing to the request.
Simply said, Akadong came out to manipualte opinions. That screencap was telling the start of their actions.
After the screencap was posted, it was actually discovered that the members who were using the same id/nickname in both Akadong and DNBN were making many posts about the admin, and those people were all caught. However, there was no way to catch people who had different id/nickname.
Eventually, the rest of the Akadong spies became more active, and the situation started to get worse than before.
Even though some people from Akadong were weeded out after the screencap, they had no reason to back off since the opinions already tilted…… just a bit more push and the situation would be over.
It was really…hopeless. I could clearly see who were the manipulators, but if one raises any kind of question about them… well, I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.
Eventually, many admins and staffs resigned. It was a ridiculous sight to see. They were pushed away without considering all the work they’ve done until then. They were bashed… They were such courteous people…
The comments were cruel. It was like spitting and telling them to get lost after all the effort they put into. I removed any affection I had towards DNBN after seeing those comments.
And after that, suggestions started to come up to abandon the ‘org’ address and to move the address and server. Then, someone suddenly comes on to the scene. Sayuri, the current head administrator of DNBN, came out of nowhere. She said that she purchased ‘’ domain name and will begin the moving process. The members agreed to it.
I found that laughable and ridiculous. I mean, those foolish members with bird’s brain didn’t even question the situation where someone who was never seen or heard before suddenly comes out with a domain already purchased like it was already planned.
Really those… dumbasses.
I guess since she disclosed her personal info whether it was true or not, those foolish members probably trusted it at its face value.
Well~ after that, as all of you know, those who participated/instigated in manipulating members’ opinions volunteered for the staff/admin positions. Maybe one in hundred former admins applied for the positions.
Who were the most of the applicants for the staff/admins? Who else? It’s those aunties frantically trying to grab a position.
That’s why I am so sick of DNBN and Akadong. You think Akadong is any different? People who are “prominent” at DNBN are mostly from Akadong, and they’re the ones who broke into DNBN and ruined the site.
One thing I want to say, there’s no use separating Akadong and DNBN
DNBN = Akadong, simple as that.
Well, was my post too long to get to this simple conclusion? I’ll end the post now. Just consider it my grumblings.
So that's how DNBN was taken over, and how they became a CJS fan site.
Here's the summary of the above post: the rumors were rampant at DNBN, and one of the admin posted some kind of announcement to control the situation. Akadong members infiltrated DNBN and used the admin's announcement as an excuse to kick out the existing admins and took over DNBN then moved the domain and server to the current location.
I'm sure the readers have many questions now. What was the announcement the original admin made that caused her to get bashed from the members, leading to her resignation along with other admins? Are there any proof that Akadong members manipulated DNBN? What happened to the old domain? Wasn't DNBN supporting all 5 at least until Yunho and Changmin decided to come back as TVXQ, prompting them to change their stance?

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