Friday, September 30, 2011

Rain wrote through his homepage

Prior to this, Rain wrote through his homepage, “After my debut, I was able to do so many things through everyone’s love, and thanks to everyone, I was able to feel precious sweat and honor, as well as feeling true happiness.” He continued, “To all my fans, thank you for the last 10 years. I will return with a more mature attitude,” and gave his farewell.
Recently, it was announced that Rain would be joining the army on October 11th. The star held a phone interview with Sports DongA to discuss his military enlistment and personal plans.
Q. How are you feeling with enlistment ahead of you?
Rain: “Military service is an obligation for all South Korean men. I will be giving it my all during my time in the army”.
Q. How will you spend your time before your enlistment?
Rain: “Honestly, there’s a mountain of things I have to do. I don’t think I have enough time to even just organize. First, I need to finish the movie, “Emergency: Close to the Sun“. Although filming is done, there is more work to be done. There’s promotions to be scheduled, but I don’t think there’s much time. I’m also preparing a small album as a present for my fans”.
Q. There’s rumors that you will be joining the air force.
Rain: “I’ll be joining the army without any special reasons. I just want a normal military life”.
Q. What would you like to do personally?
Rain: “I will go and give my regards to my mother['s grave]“.

Tong Vfang Xien Qi

TVXQ (Tong Vfang Xien Qi) was originally a five-member Korean boy band specializing in dance, acappella, pop, and R&B. The group’s name in Japanese is Tohoshinki (THSK), while in Korea they are best known as Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK /DBSG).
During legal issues, three members of TVXQ – Jae Joong, Xiah Junsu And Micky Yoochun debuted in Japan in 2010 as JYJ, and later made a global debut in October with the English language album The Beginning.
After making an explosive comeback to the Jpop scene in January 2011 with Why, TVXQ is back for their second Japanese-language single of 2011. Superstar is a hot summer single that will also be featured at the 2011 A-Nation concert. The song will also be the theme song for a television commercial starring the pop group.
CODE-V garnered the attention of Japanese fans as the first vocally talented group from Korea since TVXQ. As CODE-V consists of five members who sing a capella together, they are called ‘The Second TVXQ’ as they resemble TVXQ in the beginning stages of their debut.
“It seems as though Japanese fans think we are like TVXQ in many ways. What makes us similar to TVXQ is that all five members have strong vocals and sing a capella together, though we participated in promotional activities with a dance number. We like TVXQ and respect them. But we’d rather surpass them and show off our own color rather than just imitate them.“
One member spoke up and said, “When TVXQ split, some of their fans became our fans,” while another member, Sol, said, “In Korea, people tell me that I look like KCM but in Japan, they say I look like YoungWoong Jaejoong. When we go out to eat, some people mistake us for TVXQ.” When we joked and said that, ‘These are dangerous sayings that may increase the number of anti fans you have,’ they evaded taking on the responsibility for their words in a cute manner as they said, “These aren’t the thoughts of all five of our members.”
Though they are not well-known in Korea, they are making their mark as Hallyu stars in Japan. Since their debut, CODE-V has been receiving a steady stream of love calls from K-POP fans in Japan. In a survey titled ‘The Korean group whose Japanese debut you most anticipate’, they beat famous singers and came out on top.
“The second TVXQ? Though that is an honor, we want to surpass them with our skills.”
Five-member vocal group CODE-V have an interesting and surprising charm. Though they are an idol group in appearance, they are actually a talented vocal group. Different from other rookie groups who are awkward at first, this group is confident and actively engaged.
While introducing their title song, they asked, “Do you want to listen to us sing?” and immediately began singing in a capella, their hidden card, on the spot. They even imitated the voices of other stars and said, “We have tens of imitations we’ve been practicing for variety shows.”

Thursday, September 29, 2011

TXVQ with French fashion brand Lacoste

TXVQ is gaining interest for signing a ‘friendship contract’ with French fashion brand Lacoste.
Lacoste commented, “In order to further contribute to Korea’s worldwide success, we have selected TVXQ as the new faces of Lacoste, for they are at the leading forefront of the current Hallyu wave. Through this new friendship contract, we hope to market our brand to the younger generation.”
TVXQ was also invited to the first showing of Lacoste’s Creative Director- Felipe Oliviera Baptista‘s fashion collection which will take place in New York on the 9th. They will be standing before many international fans and people of high fashion gathered from all over the world.
This is the first ‘friendship contract’ that Lacoste has ever signed, and it further proves TVXQ’s force and influence not only in the music entertainment world, but in the fashion industry as well. TVXQ will also be taking part in a dynamic photo shoot during their stay in NYC.
TVXQ will officially begin promoting the French brand Lacoste towards the end of this year.
Many of Korea’s top Hallyu singers will be coming together once again to perform for the ’2011 Hallyu Dream Concert‘!
Taking place on October 3rd at Gyeongju’s Citizen Stadium, this year’s event boasts an impressive lineup! TVXQ, SNSD, 2PM, SHINee, miss A, GD&TOP, Se7en, SECRET, ZE:A, Davichi, 4minute, B2ST, G.NA, T-ara, SISTAR, MBLAQ, and INFINITE will all be performing for the event.
The Korean Entertainment Producers’ Association (KEPA) commented, “This is the second year we are holding the Hallyu Dream Concert. We hope that through the distinct characteristics of our culture and the popularity of Hallyu, we will be able to make this event become the representative cultural festival of Gyeongju.”
TVXQ put on the ending performance for Avex’s A-Nation concert in Tokyo, which shocked both the media and concert goers.
Last week, the boys of of TVXQ revealed a short video preview for “B.U.T. (BE-AU-TY)”, the title track to their upcoming Japanese album ‘Tone‘ and now the full PV has been released!
For the past 8 years, Avex’s Queen pop artist, Hamasaki Ayumi closed the concerts by putting on the ending performance, but this year TVXQ was chosen. Being chosen as Avex A-Nation’s ACE is a huge deal, and the media went abuzz about how it was the climax of TVXQ’s career.
The concert took place on the 27th and although it was originally announced that Hamasaki Ayumi would be ending the show, since it was A-Nation’s 10th year celebratory concert, they wanted to shock the fans, hence TVXQ took the honor of closing the show.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jaejoong JYJ

Jaejoong JYJ récemment assis pour discuter d'une interview ses pensées sur le suicide. Check it out ci-dessous!
Q. «Avez-vous déjà pensé au suicide?"
«Je me sentais triste et bouleversée pour les gens qui ont dû quitter ce monde de telle manière. Le suicide est quelque chose qui blesse tant de gens et je pense qu'il ne devrait tout simplement ne jamais arriver. "
Q. «Vous avez traversé beaucoup d'épreuves vous-même. Quel a été le plus douloureux pour vous, et comment avez-vous surmonté? "
«Chaque personne se sent la solitude et se rencontre une difficulté qui est difficile à supporter. Bien vivre sa vie, il ya, bien sûr, le poids que vous vous sentez sont seulement pèse sur vous. Ce n'est pas une question de bon ou mauvais de l'environnement que vous êtes vivant dans l'est, mais plutôt une sorte de misère que chaque personne ressent en vivant la vie. EN qui considère, moi aussi, ont connu beaucoup de tristesse et de solitude, et la façon dont j'ai surmonté ces sentiments est d'aimer le monde, je suis vivant dans et pense précieusement de mon travail, les membres de ma aimant, et ma famille. J'ai également gagner la force de mes fans. J'ai l'intention de remercier chaque jour que je vis dans l'avenir aussi bien. "
Q. «Comment vous sentez-vous entendu parler de célébrités compatriotes se suicider?"
«C'était tout simplement choquant et une réalité incroyable. J'ai été bouleversé. "
Q. «Connaissez-vous des célébrités qui passent par la dépression?"
"Je ne sais pas. Ils disent que la dépression n'est pas quelque chose montré sur l'extérieur, comme les gens qui sont déprimés comme d'habitude brillante à l'extérieur et se sentent déprimés quand ils sont seuls. Au lieu de gens qui disent carrément: «Je suis seul, je pense qu'il est plus important de prendre soin de ceux qui tentent plus dur que la normale au regard positif. Et comme le plus ancien hyung, je pense que plus que tout, je devrais être responsables de la santé psychologique des membres de ma plus que d'autres célébrités. "
Q. «Si vous deviez jamais avoir un ventilateur qui était la pensée de suicide, que diriez-vous?"
«Je crois que nos fans ne seront pas penser au suicide parce que je pense que si ils écoutent nos chansons, ils se sentiront trop heureux et que leur dépression disparaît. Dans notre communiqué récent album, il ya deux chansons intitulé «A Boy Lettre» et «Tu es». Ils sont tous deux des chansons écrites pour nos fans et nous espérons qu'ils vont les écouter quand ils se sentent déprimés ou isolés et j'espère sentent consolés. Nous sommes ensemble à l'intérieur de notre musique. S'il vous plaît aussi de penser aux gens précieux dans votre vie et être heureux, même pour la plus petite des choses. Avec une telle mentalité, je suis sûr que vous vous sentirez plus affectueux envers votre vie. Le beau ciel, une nourriture délicieuse de votre mère, et mignon de votre animal aegyo sont toutes des choses merveilleuses dans la vie. "
Q. «Que pensez-vous de la société doit faire pour prévenir le suicide?"
"Je pense que nous avançons dans notre société, les gens se sentent plus seuls que jamais. Ils commencent à se case et ont peur d'autres personnes à venir dans leur zone. Le monde continue de rendre les gens ne dépendent que de lui-même et favorise la concurrence entre les uns aux autres, mais les gens pensent que c'est ce que le succès est si ils le suivent tout en perdant leur liberté et à l'approfondissement de leur dépression. J'espère que nous allons changer l'atmosphère de sorte que nous pouvons prévenir une telle société. "
Q. «Avez-vous quelque chose à dire à ceux qui souffrent au point de penser au suicide?"
«Pensez d'espoir à la minute vous vous sentez malheureux avec votre vie. Prenez l'habitude de trouver la joie dans la plus petite des choses dans la vie. La misère vous vous sentez maintenant sera une base solide pour votre avenir et vous deviendrez quelqu'un avec une vie précieuse. En outre, tenir la main de la personne à côté de vous. Ne pensez pas que vous êtes le seul à vivre dans ce monde. Ne pas cultiver votre tristesse sur votre propre et demander de l'aide à la personne à côté de vous. "

Monday, September 26, 2011

Girls’Generation Taeyeon and Tiffany argued

Girls’ Generation members Taeyeon and Tiffany confessed the time where they argued with each other on the pilot episode of KBS 2TV’s “Big Brothers” where they were guests along with Yuri and Seohyun.
On the said broadcast, the members talked about the things they never revealed in public before. One of which garnered attention after Taeyeon revealed that she had a huge quarrel with fellow member Tiffany.
According to Taeyeon, “During our Japanese tour, there was a time where Tiffany and I argued, and we both raised our voices.” Further confessing that, “Because our feelings were hurt, I was going to cancel the concert duet stage with Tiffany the next day.”
Meanwhile, the group’s youngest member Seohyun also had a tearful confession as she talked about her friend during their trainee days.
The pilot episode of “Big Brothers” aired today inSouth Korea. We will update you with actual videos once available.Solo singer Maybee recently sat down for an interview to talk about her terrifying experience with a stalker.
She didn’t want to talk about it publicly in case that’s what the stalker fed off of, but she felt the need to let it out because she was tired of putting up with him.
Maybee began,“I’m a bit tired because of my preparations for the album, but I’m feeling great. While working as a radio DJ, I’ve gained a lot of warm fans, which is really fortunate.”
Unfortunately, she also gained one psycho fan who just won’t give up. “Female DJs in particular are especially prone to getting stalkers. There are some that believe the things I say on air are messages personally said to them.”
She continued, “They’d sneak into the studio and watch me or tweet me, saying they’re expect me at such and such location. When I don’t show up, they’ll swear at me for hours on end.”
One time, the stalker had texted her to meet him at the IncheonAirportin the morning. When she didn’t go, he sent a series of texts saying, “How could you do this to me?” and “Are you meeting another man?”
When her manager tried to step in, the stalker retorted that he’d report them for psychological compensation. She’s also tried reporting him to the police and disabled her Twitter all together.
She said, “I didn’t want my name going out by reporting him to the police. Even if he’s met with consequences, I don’t think I’d feel safe. I’m actually more scared of what he’d do after. I think he has about 100 Twitter accounts so I can’t ban him.”
Maybee continued, “When I threaten to leave Twitter, he’ll threaten back that he’s going to bother everyone else around me. The stalker once called my younger brother and said, ‘Your sister isn’t picking up her phone. Tell your mother I said hi and that I’ll see her soon.’ I got so scared after that. It’s been about three years now.”
Still, Maybee decided to overcome her fear and pursue her love for music. “Music is something I want to do until I die. Even if I don’t show the public or let anyone else hear, music is something that I need to be with forever.”

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Recently, actor Lee Min Ho held an interview with thousands of chinese fans whom left him more than 130,000 questions over weibo in just one hour. Before the interview, he uploaded a picture on his weibo account saying: "It's been a while. Are you ready? Let's go!" and then started replying to the most interesting questions from his fans.
He got to answer from simple questions such as: "How are you oppa?," "Welcome to Shanghai," " Minho is ignoring me," to which he replied sweet answers like "Your korean is pretty good, i'm doing great thank you!," "Hello Shanghai, your food is delicious," "No, never! i will never ignore you."
He also answered questions from his recent drama "City Hunter" and shared a funny history that happened to him while recording the drama in which an elephant spat over him.
Despite the several amount of questions, he tried to answer the most questions he could. Lee Minh Ho also wished luck to all his fans who are taking university exams and also recommended places to visit for those Chinese fans interested in traveling to South Korea. He wrapped up the interview saying, "If i could learn Chinese, I would have replied to a hundred of questions but thank you all for participating!" How sweet from Lee Min Ho!

Friday, September 23, 2011

《Youth Melody》

《Youth Melody》starts filming , Kim Heechul guests as foreign student

Due to Kim Heechul’s special appearance《Youth Melody》has become even more lively. The crew revealed that there were a few hundred fans following along from when they went to pick him up at the airport. Many of the fans have rushed down from overseas. Most of them specially came down from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and other countries. Although this posed a challenge to the filming, they are very thankful for the snacks and gifts from the fans.
On 9th of August 2010, CNTV’s 8 episode drama 《Youth Melody》held it’s press conference, main actor Leo Ku, ShiYa, YangYang, JiangMengJie, MaShu, Kim Heechul, ZhouMi, WuHaoKang and more appeared in groups. 《Youth Melody》talks about the story of university graduates setting up businesses, placing attention on the hot issue about “university graduates unable to get jobs or have jobs with low pay, hence having to live in the city together”. It is set to air on CNTV in October.Kim Heechul appears in white shirt, speaks Chinese. ZhouMi turns into son of rich family
Zhoumi appeared in a black suit and laughed saying that this is a continuation his look in the show. “In the show I’m acting as an arrogant son of a rich family” Whereas Kim Heechul appeared in a disorderly designed white sleeved shirt and a long necklace that resembled brambles hanging around his neck.
He greeted everyone in Chinese. As he had a live radio show that night, Kim Heechul quickly appeared for a moments before rushing back to the airport.
During this trip to Beijing, there was no need for Heechul to avoid the fans and media, he openly went to WangFuJing to shop and try out old BeiJing snacks. He even played “scissors paper stone” with the staff, competing to see who would have to eat the roasted scorpions.
Television drama《Youth Melody》had a dazzling start to it’s filming, entire set was filled with the feeling of youth
Upon hearing that there would be Korea’s popular artiste Kim HeeChul in the show, MaShu was at first unfamiliar, but after being in《Chang Hua》’s drama team, quite a few of the young staff were Kim Heechul fans, and he even learnt Sorry Sorry’s dance from them, Ma Su laughed and said it is “fate”, he must find the chance to learn the original dance from Heechul himself too.It’s time to talk about “popularity king of hundred thousands” Kim Heechul, this mischievous energetic boy is Korea’s Super Junior’s main member, in a crowd of 80, 90 he had a wide influence, the crew who went to pick him up at the airport had a shock: there were already a few hundred fans waiting there for hours, strongly and neatly gathered together in groups, after some asking around, other than those who have rushed down from all parts of the country, there were also those who specially came down from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and other countries to pick him up.
From then on, wherever Kim Heechul went, his fans would follow after him, this posed as quite a big challenge to the crew, however they are still very thankful for the fans giving everyone snacks and small gifts.
Actually, there are still many interesting behind-the-scenes stories, for example Super Junior-M’s handsome guy Zhou Mi who acts as a typical son of a rich family was forced to hide his identify at the start by his father in order to train him, the effects were the opposite, he truly grew up through working hard with fellow students, and in the end made a decision which made everyone look at him in a different light, that was to follow his call, join the army.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Korean boy band JYJ

Korean boy band JYJ, composed of former TVXQ members Jaejung, Yuchun and Junsu, will likely take the stage at the 2010 KBS Drama Awards, making it the first time they will perform on television since debuting as a trio.
“It’s not 100% confirmed as of yet but we in currently in talks with JYJ for a congratulatory performance during the 2010 KBS Drama Awards,” a high-ranking official from KBS said.
“It would be great if they performed the song ‘Calling You’ from the drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ since Yuchun gave such a memorable performance in the drama.”
He went onto explain that they are fine-tuning on several details including how many songs JYJ will sing at the awards ceremony.
Jaejung, Yuchun and Junsu made their debut in 2004 as part of the popular boy band TVXQ, but despite their phenomenal success in Asia, they ceased their activities as a group after being involved in a legal dispute with the Korean agency SM Entertainment.
They made a comeback to the music scene in October as a trio under the name JYJ and released their worldwide studio album “The Beginning” on October 14, kicking off their global showcase to promote their album and themselves in Seoul and the United States.
JYJ recently held two series of show titled the “JYJ Worldwide Concert in Seoul” at the Main Olympic Stadium in Jamsil last month.
For two months from late August, Yuchun had starred in KBS’ 20-episode series “SungKyunKwan Scandal” alongside cast members Park Min-young, Song Joong-ki and Yoo A-in. The show fared moderately well, posting ratings in the mid-ten percent range toward the end of its run.
Out of all historical dramas broadcasted, which one left the deepest impression for college students?
Recently Joint Korean Film Association (UVA, including Dankook University, Sungkyunkwan University, Ewha University and 18 other colleges or universities) surveyed 660 college students. KBS 2TV Slave Hunter places 1st for historical dramas broadcasted this year with 34%, 2nd place is Sungkyunkwan Scandal with 20%, in 3rd place is MBC Dongyi with 18%.
Sungkyunkwan Scandal sold 3.3 billion in just Japan for copyright, creating the highest record for the year.
It is believed the main reason is because this is the first work of TVXQ born JYJ’s Micky Yoochun.


Ah…Yes, after the announcement by Akadong, its pawn DNBN officially changed their stance as expected. However, their move is so shameless and daring, it gave me the urge to further explain the situation to the people who are baffled by all this.
It’s so annoying and upsetting, I want to tell the whole story to those who are curious, how DNBN came to this.
Do you know why I am so disgusted at DNBN? Do you know why its called “SamNeBangNe” ? (note: Sam means Three in Korean, and DNBN is called “SamNeBangNe” by some fans because of they always supported only the 3) I will explain what happened at DNBN.
After the lawsuit… DNBN, considered to be courteous including myself, was run over with rumors. Rules became useless, and all kinds of rumors floated around prompting one of the ex-admin to post an announcement.
But at that time, even I couldn’t trust the announcement. I thought, who did she think she was? Why did she make such an announcement? On top of that, she met their parents? Bullcrap!
And most of the members opposed her just like I did. The atmosphere was turning towards the admin abusing her power.
Even I... went along with it. I thought this crisis would be resolved soon, and I thought what she said was absurd and believed she was making things weird.
Actually, I should’ve suspected something at that time because it was rare at DNBN to tell the admins this and that, but I just felt that the members were upset because of the timing and (the sensitivity of) the issue… but, something was strange.
Most of the people instigating the members in the attic (members only forum) or posting replies on her announcement looked to be new members. They suddenly came out and started to drive members’ opinions.
I overlooked it thinking I was just being sensitive, but I realized much later that they were manipulating opinions.
Where did they come from? Who were they?
Around that time, a screencap from Akadong happened to be posted. I have doubts now if it was just a happening…
It was a screencap of someone asking Akadong to control DNBN. And the replies to that post were already agreeing to the request.
Simply said, Akadong came out to manipualte opinions. That screencap was telling the start of their actions.
After the screencap was posted, it was actually discovered that the members who were using the same id/nickname in both Akadong and DNBN were making many posts about the admin, and those people were all caught. However, there was no way to catch people who had different id/nickname.
Eventually, the rest of the Akadong spies became more active, and the situation started to get worse than before.
Even though some people from Akadong were weeded out after the screencap, they had no reason to back off since the opinions already tilted…… just a bit more push and the situation would be over.
It was really…hopeless. I could clearly see who were the manipulators, but if one raises any kind of question about them… well, I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.
Eventually, many admins and staffs resigned. It was a ridiculous sight to see. They were pushed away without considering all the work they’ve done until then. They were bashed… They were such courteous people…
The comments were cruel. It was like spitting and telling them to get lost after all the effort they put into. I removed any affection I had towards DNBN after seeing those comments.
And after that, suggestions started to come up to abandon the ‘org’ address and to move the address and server. Then, someone suddenly comes on to the scene. Sayuri, the current head administrator of DNBN, came out of nowhere. She said that she purchased ‘’ domain name and will begin the moving process. The members agreed to it.
I found that laughable and ridiculous. I mean, those foolish members with bird’s brain didn’t even question the situation where someone who was never seen or heard before suddenly comes out with a domain already purchased like it was already planned.
Really those… dumbasses.
I guess since she disclosed her personal info whether it was true or not, those foolish members probably trusted it at its face value.
Well~ after that, as all of you know, those who participated/instigated in manipulating members’ opinions volunteered for the staff/admin positions. Maybe one in hundred former admins applied for the positions.
Who were the most of the applicants for the staff/admins? Who else? It’s those aunties frantically trying to grab a position.
That’s why I am so sick of DNBN and Akadong. You think Akadong is any different? People who are “prominent” at DNBN are mostly from Akadong, and they’re the ones who broke into DNBN and ruined the site.
One thing I want to say, there’s no use separating Akadong and DNBN
DNBN = Akadong, simple as that.
Well, was my post too long to get to this simple conclusion? I’ll end the post now. Just consider it my grumblings.
So that's how DNBN was taken over, and how they became a CJS fan site.
Here's the summary of the above post: the rumors were rampant at DNBN, and one of the admin posted some kind of announcement to control the situation. Akadong members infiltrated DNBN and used the admin's announcement as an excuse to kick out the existing admins and took over DNBN then moved the domain and server to the current location.
I'm sure the readers have many questions now. What was the announcement the original admin made that caused her to get bashed from the members, leading to her resignation along with other admins? Are there any proof that Akadong members manipulated DNBN? What happened to the old domain? Wasn't DNBN supporting all 5 at least until Yunho and Changmin decided to come back as TVXQ, prompting them to change their stance?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou?
Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto
Koko ni iru to, omotteta no ni
Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi
Doushite kimi ni nani mo tsutaerarenakattan darou?
Mainichi maiban tsunotteku omoi
Afuredasu kotoba, wakatteta no ni (mou todokanai)
Hajimete deatta, sono hi kara
Kimi wo shitteita ki ga shitan da
Amari ni shizen ni tokende shimatta futari
Doko e iku no ni mo issho de
Kimi ga iru koto ga touzen de
Bokura wa futari otona ni natte kita
Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi
Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou?
Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto
Koko ni iru to, omotteta no ni (mou kanawanai)
Tokubetsu na imi wo motsu kyou wo
Shiawase kao de tatsu kyou wo
Kirei na sugata de kami sama ni chikatteru, kimi wo
Boku ja nai hito no tonari de
Shukufuku sareteru sugata wo
Boku wa dou yatte miokureba ii no darou?
Mou doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou?
Ano koro mo, bokura no koto, mou moderenai (kangaeta) modorenai (kangaeta)
Doushite kimi no te wo tsukami ubaenakattan darou?
Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto
Boku no yoko ni, iru hazu datta (sono mama nii)
Sore demo kimi ga boku no soba nara to itte mo
Eien ni kimi ga shiawase de iru koto
Tada negatteru
Tatoe sore ga donna ni sabishikutemo (setsunakutemo)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

TVXQ’s leader in the Dramma

SM Entertainment had previously released a statement saying that all talk of TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki’s leader U-Know Yunho starring in dramas were false, but surprisingly, it has been confirmed that he will be indeed!
TVXQ’s U-Know Yunho will be starring in MBC’s Wed-Thurs drama Heading to the Ground (Without Preparation) as Cha Bong Goon. While the role was originally supposed to be played by actor Kim Rae Won, he was unable to take on the role because he received his enlistment notice. The first episode of this upcoming drama with TVXQ’s leader will air on 9th September! With TVXQ oh so popular in all of Asia, and for soccer-mad countries like Korea and Japan, I can almost smell the money and ratings that this hit-to-be drama will be raking in.
In the drama, U-Know Yunho’s character, Cha Bong Goon lives an unhappy life, having almost died three times in his life. However, as a lover of soccer, he aspires to become a professional national player. Eventually, with the passion he has for the sport, he overcomes the obstacles in his path and accomplishes his goal. This drama will show viewers a heartwarming story of his success and how he overcomes his obstacles.
Upon being selected, U-Know Yunho stated, “I really like Cha Bong Goon’s character. When I read the script, my heart was touched. I want to express this acting honestly.”
As excited as I am, I am also worried for U-Know Yunho, who has only had a wee bit of experience from SBS BanJun dramas and the TVXQ mini drama Vacation – to play the role offered originally to experienced actor, Kim Rae Won, will be very stressful for Yunho, as people will be expecting a lot from this legendary TVXQ member. But then again, there’s always the fan girls who’d support him no matter what.
With actress Han Ga In dropping out of the picture earlier on, there’s much speculation about who else will be joining Yunho. For now, there are only rumors about Go Ara, who with her connections with SM Entertainment, might just take on the manager role.
On a side note, while K-movie Heaven’s Postman, starring another TVXQ member Jaejoong, still does not have a confirmed air date, we at least know the Yunho will be making his appearance on the small screen on September 9th!
If I was someone involved with the production, I would fight for the other DBSK members to have cameo roles too! It’s just too good of an opportunity to let go of.
As there’s no further information on the cast and the whereabouts of the shooting, this breaking news has got everyone talking! All will be revealed shortly, so stay tuned!

Monday, September 19, 2011

TVXQ in fashion magazines

Affectionate photos of Kim Jaejoong and Ji Sung from SBS’ Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Protect the Boss’ are becoming a hot topic amongst netizens.
In ‘Protect the Boss’, Cha Ji Hun (Ji Sung) and Cha Mu Won (Kim Jaejoong) are pitted against each other as they fight to be the successor of DN Group, headed by CEO Cha (Park Young Gyu).
In the drama, the squabbling pair are seen bashing shoulders or fighting like children in a restaurant but viewers have been saying, ‘Surprisingly, they look good together.” Photos of the pair hanging out together have been posted on Twitter and the newly dubbed ‘Cha Cha Couple’ is receiving much love from netizens and viewers alike.
On the 14th, the production crew released a photo of Ji Sung and Kim Jaejoong watching a TV show on a DMB phone together during their break while filming at Goyang city on the 9th. The two are seen walking together and watching the show with bright smiles on their faces, making it possible to surmise just how close they are.
It was later said that seeing the two together, the production crew and fans who visited on location gave the new couple their support as they said, “They look so cute together,” and “Cha Cha Couple hwaiting~”
TVXQ, Asia’s representative top group, has signed a friendship contract with Lacoste that begins this month and will act as honorary goodwill ambassadors for the clothing brand in the latter half of this year.
As honorary goodwill ambassadors, TVXQ were invited to Lacoste’s ’12 S/S Collection that was held at the New York Lincoln Center on the 10th of September and proudly attended as the representatives of Korea. As the first collection of Lacoste’s new Creative Director ‘Felipe Oliveira Baptista’, the S/S Collection was a hot topic amongst the press and people of the fashion industry.
It was later told that from the moment they entered the room till the moment the show was over, TVXQ, who were attending the event as Korea’s representatives and honorary goodwill ambassadors, were surrounded by a swarm of reporters and fans, making it clear how popular they are. After attending the New York Collection, TVXQ will participate in a dynamic photoshoot with New York City as the background which will soon be printed in fashion magazines.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kim Heechul at Chungnam’s Nonsan Training

“Suju Kim Heechul has become an important figure at his training camp, a first look of his imposing look revealed.”
Images of idol group Super Junior’s Kim Heechul at Chungnam’s Nonsan Training Camp after he enlisted on September 1st have been revealed.
Through the training camp’s blog, current pictures of Kim Heechul which were taken on the third of September were able to be seen.
Someone present at the training facility said, “Not only is it because Kim Heechul enrolled at a later age than his fellow trainees or because of his short buzz cut hair, but he has been enduring his training in a very dashing manner and he has been living up to his ‘Space Big Star’ nickname.”
Kim Heechul has placed first in the firearms training, and showed his confidence when he said the following on how he feels about his enlistment, “It’s still really unfamiliar, but I heard a lot about how training is from Kangin so I can do well.”
After Kim Heechul completes his four weeks of training, he will enter into the public service personnel sector where he will serve for 23 months.
In the first picture, Kim Heechul is in his training uniform and helmet, and is holding his gun listening with a sincere expression, while he is standing with his fellow trainees with his hand raised in a salute in the second.
These pictures which were posted on the training camp’s blog along with the quotes “Despite his short buzz cut hair, he is still living up to his nickname Space Big Star,” and “He placed first in the firearms training,” have been stirring up strong responses from his fans.
Netizens who saw the pictures wrote “I was curious about his present state so thank you for posting these pictures” and “He still shines even in the training uniform” to express their happiness at seeing him.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

People With Dress

People can not select and purchase expensive attires because they can not afford these ones. You know that most of people love to attend social gatherings because these are real forms of entertainments for them. Especially eastern women and girls love to talk about those things and events because these things make them feel much better. Those women and girls want to buy cheap evening dresses because they want to save their money and time both. It is a fact that cheap products are expensive always so this is why a common person never wants to purchase these ones.
Special ladies love to wear stylish outwears to increase their beauty and hotness. There is no doubt in this thing that horny men take keen interest in cool and stunning women. You should know more information in regard to matter of cheap evening dresses because through this way you could save your time and money both.
Quality dresses are expensive always as we all know that everyone has to pay something to gain something because it is really necessary and essential to run business of this world. It is a dead serious fact that people are sick and tired of expensive garments.
There is no doubt in this thing that now people want to buy some cheap clothes because they can not afford expensive and quality ones. You can say that even they can not rent or lease those types of fancy and awesome clothes. You should know that garment markets are full of amazing and wonderful dress products so this is why you can select and purchase your favorite one very much easily. There is wide range variety of cheap evening dresses are available in open garment markets.

Especially Chinese garment markets are full of cheap and quality evening outwears.Bridesmaids Dresses There is no doubt in this thing that Chinese professional and expert dress designers have been engaged in really positive activities. Fashion and glamour magazines are full of authentic and accurate information in respect to matter of summer and evening outwears. It is a dead serious fact that women and girls are afraid to take a big risk because they do not want to lose their time and money both. Ladies spend most of their time in searching useful information in respect to matter of cheap evening dresses.
There is no doubt in this thing that people love to attend prom night parties.
Eastern women and girls love to wear printed and painted clothes. But there is no doubt in this thing that western ladies do not have much interest in those sorts of outfits because they like to select and buy simple ones. Young and teenager girls love to attend prom night parties because they want to enjoy their lives fully. They like to hand out with close friend and relatives because it is a great source of entertainment for them.
 Those girls want to purchase cheap evening dresses because they can not afford to wear expensive ones as they have low incomes.
There is no doubt in this thing that Pakistani and India people are really lucky. Dresses and clothes are really cheap and affordable in those countries so this is why people can not purchase all types of attires very much easily. Also it is a dead serious fact there is no concept of hiring dress designers in Indian and Pakistani society. People are less acknowledged about all matters of life. They do not need to search for cheap evening dresses because they have cheap ones already. But western people have to make a detailed search for that purpose.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Leeteuk's song

yeoja ramyeon jeonbu da ireo neun geolkka
haru yeoldu beondo gi buni bakkwil kka
algeot gatda gado, eoryeob da, eoryeob da
neottaeme meori apa

namja deureun jeongmal da moreuneun geolkka
mal han madi ga, jungyo hangeol
wae molla, nae maeumeul
babo sarang do mot hae bwasseo

na gateun saram, eodi eobseul kkeol
neoneun tuk hamyeon ai cheoreom
mame an deureo jibe gallae
geureol ttae majeo nan, useumi na
hwado motnae, na eojjeo da, ireolkka

geu geon, oppa ga jal al janha
naega gakkeum jom meot daero gul gin haedo
ttak han saram man, joha hae nan
neon nae kkeoya, neon nae kkeoya, geureon maeum ppun ingeoya

hwaga nan geot gata oneul do aesseot da
geumbang pulli deoni bae shishi utneun da
himi deulda gado, nok neunda, nok neunda
neottaeme maen nal noga

aesseu neun geot gata oneureun bwa junda
geureon moseub deouk gwi yeo ungeol
gomawo, neottaemune
oneul haru do dalkom haesseo

na gateun saram, eodi eobseul kkeol
neoneun tuk hamyeon ai cheoreom
mame an deureo jibe gallae
geureol ttae majeo nan, useumi na
hwado motnae, na eojjeo da, ireolkka

geu geon, oppa ga jal al janha
naega gakkeum jom meot daero gul gin haedo
ttak han saram man, joha hae nan
neon nae kkeoya, neon nae kkeoya, geureon maeum ppun ingeoya

nuga mworae do (nae saram ingeol)
eonje kkajina (uri duriman)
neorang narang man
sarang hal kkeoya
ice cream gateun ni mare noga almyeon seodo tto maebeon soga
seub gwan, dwebeoril kka, geokjeong dwedo
oneuldo tto, utgo mara, eotteokhae

urin geuraeseo durin geoya
nado neo ege wanjeonhi bbajyeo beorin geol
mwol eotteokhae ,mwol eotteokhae
neon nae kkeoya. neon nae kkeoya. geu mami myeon dweneun geoya

duri raseo joheun geoya

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Super Junior-Leeteuk

Super Junior (Korean: 슈퍼주니어; often stylized SUPERJUNIOR), sometimes referred to as SJ or SuJu (슈주), is a thirteen-member boy band from Seoul, South Korea. They are managed by producer Lee Soo Man and is currently the largest group under SM Entertainment.
The members are Leeteuk (the leader), Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kang-in, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and Kyuhyun. The Chinese member, Han Geng, was chosen among 3,000 applicants through auditions held in China by SM Entertainment in 2001. The group initially debuted with twelve members on November 6, 2005, but since the addition of Kyuhyun in May 23, 2006, they have become a thirteen-member group.
Birth name: Park Jung-soo
Also known as: Leeteuk
Born: July 1, 1983 (1983-07-01) (age 25)
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, television host, MC, DJ
Instrument(s): Bbeatboxing, piano, guitar
Voice type(s): Tenor
Years active: 2005–present
Label(s): SM Entertainment
Associated acts: *SMTown
*Super Junior
*Super Junior-T
*Super Junior-Happy
On August 21st, Super Junior’s Heechul celebrated fellow member Kim Kibum’s birthday and updated fans on his whereabouts. Writing through his Twitter, Heechul said, “With Kim Kibum.
We are celebrating his birthday with just the two of us. There aren’t any pretty girls. We also both hate sweet things so there’s no cake either, keke.” Kim Kibum retweeted Heechul’s tweet, and added, “A very impressive birthday party.” Although it may seem like a simple picture to most, the post is especially endearing to fans since Kim Kibum hasn’t participated in Super Junior’s activities for a while.
He withdrew from the music limelight after their third album, “Sorry Sorry“, in order to better focus on his acting career. Although there have been updates on his whereabouts, they were few and far in between, making Heechul’s post all that more special.