Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CNBLUE–Bluestorm 2012 Asia Tour Concert For Taiwan

As the countdown to the 2/28 holidays approaches, all Taiwan Kpop fans are also counting down! CNBLUE, who holds the record for 2012 quickest sold out concert tickets, will arrive in Taiwan at 12.40 noon on 27 Feb (Monday) via OZ711 Asiana Airlines and commence their 3 days 2 nights visit in Taiwan. CNBLUE is still on their Asia Concert Tour, they also have a full schedule in February, and have just finished their Japan concert tour, this weekend they’ll have concert in Thailand, and then quickly follow by coming over to Taiwan, but, no matter how tired they are, they will never complain, because [Support Group of Yongseo From Taiwan] fans have mobilized with bus advertisement and food support that made even the band members shout in exuberance, and hope they can come to Taiwan to meet the fans sooner!

2/28 holidays is almost here, all of Taiwan’s Kpop fans’ are feeling very [BLUE]! Because the long-awaited Korean premier good looking/fashionable band [CNBLUE] will visit Taiwan for the 2nd time and spend the holidays with everyone! The four members will arrive in Taiwan at 12.40 noon on 27 Feb (Monday) via OZ711 Asiana Airlines. As this is CNBlue's first major in Taiwan, the band members and their Korean management company are paying close attention to it. They will have a full on rehearsal on the day of arrival and the day afterwards, and hope to bring Taiwan fans the most magnificent concert.

When Korean singers hold concert in Korea, fans are very concerned about establishing an atmosphere of grandeur, from traditional food support and flower wreaths, to the recent trend of sending rice by the [tonnes] and then donating them to charities under the artists' names, they all give full honour to the singers! Recently, the food support trend has also hit Taiwan, Taiwan fans often prepared food, snacks and drinks when Korean singers come over for concerts; not only letting the busy artists who can't even tour Taiwan taste the local delicacies, they also kindly thought of the Korean and Taiwan staffs and prepared for them as well. Especially in Taiwan, fans will also use bus ad support style, to buy out the advertisement on the bus, let more public know that Korean artists are coming to town as the bus will be driven around cities and suburbs. As [Public Bus Support] is a very novel promotion method to Koreans, the Korean artists who sees this unique form of support in Taiwan will also be especially touched and gratified.

In order to welcome the arrival of the four members, one of CNBLUE’s support clubs – [Support Group of Yongseo From Taiwan], have spent almost two months on gathering donations and planning for the support project, and have engaged fans from all over the world such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia and USA; with the support of over 200 fans via funding or physical work, they have managed to pay for a whole month's worth of advertisement on two public buses, not only to help promote CNBLUE’s Feb 28th’s concert but also to give them strength for their Korean comeback in March! For the day of the rehearsal, they have also readied signature dishes from Taiwan's famous restaurants (cutting it short here): crab, steak, pork, and Ding Tai Feng dimsum for CNBLUE to enjoy.

Furthermore, they have also prepared all sorts of famous desserts (not translating each one too), accompanied with the seasonal fruits and Taiwan’s internationally well-known bubble tea for the members, on top of that, snacks and drinks will also be provided to the Korean staff members, the total fee for the project exceeded six-digits figures in New Taiwan Dollars.

[Support Group of Yongseo From Taiwan] members range from university students to moms near their forties, the demographics of their fans is very widespread, even though they all have their own work to perform during the day, not only do they do "Unpaid Overtimes" every day, but also fund for the project out of their own pockets, all for the sake of [CNBLUE]; they don't complain about the hard work, but rather take pleasure in it.

The support group members were especially delighted when they found out that the members (CNBLUE) were very touched after their Korean management company told them about the [Public Bus Support] that will appear near the concert venue to let fans take pictures. [Support Group of Yongseo From Taiwan] emphasises that the leftover funds from the project will be donated to charity under CNBLUE's name, letting the four members feel the uniquely loving and passionate support in the hearts of their Taiwan and Asian fans.

CNBLUE will arrive Taiwan on 27 Feb (Monday), [CNBLUE – BLUESTORM 2012 Asia Tour Concert Taipei] on 28 Feb (Monday) at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall, and leaves on the 29th at 1.50pm via Asiana Airlines OZ712, after that they are scheduled to release brand new album in March for Korean comeback!

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