Sunday, January 22, 2012

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Are Engaged!

Have you heard about that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are engaged! Many thought that this is just a publicity stunt, especially the way media projected the way Rob proposed Kristen on the New Year event. This seemed like a scripted act and without any preparation or even a ring, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Engaged was enunciated.

Fans were thrilled at this news but hardly anyone believed. Later in January, the couple denied this fact to the media but again in April the new of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Engaged and Rob presented a ring to Kris surfaced and the couple confirmed the news to the press. This really enthralled the masses, as their favorite onscreen couple was at last becoming a couple in their real lives.

Fans love such love stories and want to find out more. However, with the news of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart engaged, media kept a very close watch on the couple’s interactions to fill up the gossip columns on newspapers and celebrity blogs. However, the problem is that these bloggers and gossip reporters make a negative issue of every little thing that they see. They seem to forget that people in love also argue and even fight. This is normal and does not mean that the couple is breaking up.

Ever since Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart engaged, the media is bent upon spreading the rumor that they are at the verge of breaking up. Nevertheless, the fact is the absolute opposite. The couple is deeply in love and has a chemistry that very few couples have. In June this year, what many missed observing did the experts notice as their eye contact and body language revealed that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were totally in love with each other and understood each other very well. The couplereally has a special kind of relation, which other than “Love” cannot be explained.

No matter what the media or the gossip columns say, the fact is that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are engaged and are happy about it. The next step that is now in line is their marriage. We all hope and wish that this would happen soon. That is what should happen and no matter what the gossipers say or claim this couple was made in heaven and united here for the world to see that people who live oceans apart can unite if there is a will and love.

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