Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Innocent men in Hollywood aren’t getting enough credit

Matt Damon continues to put his foot in his mouth.

Speaking with Business Insider, the “Downsizing” actor highlighted the takedown of predatory stars in Hollywood as a “watershed moment,” but said that in his experience, “the preponderance of men” in the industry are not sexual predators and thus deserve a pat on the back.

“We’re in this watershed moment, and it’s great, but I think one thing that’s not being talked about is there are a whole [lot] of guys — the preponderance of men I’ve worked with — who don’t do this kind of thing and whose lives aren’t going to be affected,” Damon said.

Additionally, the 47-year-old actor told the publication that the current climate hasn’t changed the way he approaches working with actors, directors or producers with sexual assault and/or harassment allegations against them.

Damon told Business Insider his perspective varies “case by case.”

“I mean, I wouldn’t want to work with somebody who — life’s too short for that. But the question of if somebody had allegations against them, you know, it would be a case-by-case basis. You go, ‘What’s the story here?’”

The actor’s comments come amid backlash from a previous interview he did with ABC News’ Peter Travers, which touched on similar topics.

During their discussion, Damon stated he didn’t feel it was fair to lump all the men accused of sexual harassment and assault together because “there’s a spectrum of behavior.”

The interview elicited a response from both Alyssa Milano and Minnie Driver.

Milano, who participated in the viral #MeToo campaign, tweeted her critique of Damon’s comments, writing that sexual assault and harassment hurt regardless of the magnitude of an incident.

Driver also reacted on Twitter, sharing an article from Vulture about Damon’s comments.

After her initial response, Driver shared an article she penned for The Guardian in which she stated that people like Damon “cannot understand what abuse is like.”

She said in the piece that she “desperately needed to say something,” after seeing a number of tone deaf comments from “good men.”

Damon has not yet responded to the backlash.